The 2nd Saturday Night Special of 2010 was a relatively quiet affair. With a smaller than anticipated crowd, only one run was decided upon scheduled for 6.30pm. The weather was sunny but cool and the car managed a good run of 5.8894 @ 274.68mph.
The 2nd Saturday Night Special of 2010 was a relatively quiet affair. With a smaller than anticipated crowd, only one run was decided upon scheduled for 6.30pm. The weather was sunny but cool and the car managed a good run of 5.8894 @ 274.68mph.
For the first time ever in Rushden, (approx 5 miles from Santa Pod Raceway) a unique variety of cars paraded through the town centre in order to promote the FIA Main Event. FireForce 3 was on static display in the High Street and drew quite a few astonished people over. Both frequent visitors to Pod and complete first-timers came over and chatted to us about the car.
Sales of the Brand New poster went extremely well, better than expected to be honest, as well as some of the old stock of FireForce t-shirts. All this is a welcome addition to the money-box in order to fund new merchandise. For those who do not know, FireForce Jet Funny Cars, is and always has been, completely self funded by Martin Hill without any sponsorship. Therefore, any merchandise we aim to produce, will be done gradually as and when. As always the maintenance of the car is first and foremost. But we HAVE got bits and bobs in the pipeline, hopefully the next of which will be available to purchase at the FIA Main Event this weekend. All will be announced shortly!!!
So whilst we’re busy preparing for this weekend, check out the running order for the Main Event so you can be sure not to miss the runs
Saturday started out a fairly fine day with many people on site for both the Monster Truck Nationals and the All American Show. Although rain had been forecast, it managed to stay dry enough for the only scheduled run of the day at around 3.30pm. After the final display of the monster truck freestyle in the Live Action Arena, the crowd turned their attention to the track where the car ran 5.939sec @ 265.03mph. The crowd were very appreciative and for those that had attended for the Monster Truck Show, this was the last demonstration for them to see.
With heavy rain throughout Saturday night, any American Car enthusiasts could be forgiven for either staying away from Pod for somewhere dry or for packing their vehicles and tents away early and escaping the damp miserable weather. With only one run scheduled for the day, the die hard enthusiasts watched a run of 5.853sec @ 268.20mph.
The delightful British ‘summer’ continued on Saturday with heavy rain persistent throughout the day, eventually leading to the RWYB being ‘rained off’ and along with it, the only scheduled run of the day at 6pm. Maybe tomorrow will be better!!! Sunday saw a much dryer if not chilly day and with the absence of Richard aka frontman, it was left to Horace to lead the way. The first run at around 12pm was aborted on the startline due to Horace being unhappy with the car. If driver and crew are not happy then it’s shut down and back to the pits for further inspection. After a quick maintenance check and crew and driver now satisfied with the car, it was back down to the startline for 1.40pm for the 1st run. The car, this time, successfully through the checks ran 5.99secs @ 266.58mph. With the car A OK, there was just enough time for the car to cool down, complete the checks and round to the startline again at 3.20pm. This time at 5.91sec @ 266.75mph. Surely the weather has got to improve next Saturday for Saturday Night Special!!
Friday 23rd April saw the third year of AER (Alternative Energy Racing) plus the first day of Big Bang. With a mixture of VW’s and Zero Emission vehicles entering the site, our only run of the day was at 5pm.
In non Zero Emission style, the car ran 5.9 at 271mph and with some modifications and rule bending, maybe we can join in AER next year!!!!
Saturday 24th April began with clear blue skies and warm sunshine. With the site full of campers, bugs and party goers enjoying the relaxed atmosphere, the first run of the day was scheduled for 12 o’clock.
The warm weather knocked the edge of the performance (that’s our excuse and we’re sticking to it) with the car running at 5.92 at 272mph. However, the crowd seemed pleased all the same.
The second run at 5.45pm was expected to be similar with the warm weather continuing. The car ran 5.93 at 269mph to a full grandstand and banking.
Sunday started miserable with rain until late morning. Racing eventually started around 12pm with our first run being delayed until 1.30pm. As the weather had cooled down a little, we hoped the car would make more power running over 207mph at the eighth, but unfortunately the car was shut off early well before the finish line and it only run 262mph at 5.89secs. If the car had not been shut off early, the terminal speed would have been close to 280mph.
The last run of the weekend for us was at 4pm, just before the finals were run. The car 5.92 @ 272mph, although we would have hoped it would have been quicker and faster. Will try again next weekend at the All American Show & Monster Truck Nationals with the hope that a replenished driver and crew can pursue an improved performance.
With a record turn out at Central Ford RS day, the site was full with every type of Ford RS vehicle you could imagine. The warm sunny weather no doubt attracted the crowds, but was not the ideal weather conditions for ultra quick runs for the jet car. The car always runs better when the weather is cooler and the air is more dense.
We decided to back up the eighth mile speeds from the previous weekend to make sure all was good with the car. The first run at 1pm was trouble free, a good launch and 206mph at the eighth with a terminal speed of 280 at the quarter in a time of 5.9secs.
The second run at 3.30pm was very similar to the first run, but we managed another 1mph at the eighth, at 207mph with a terminal speed of 269 in 5.9secs.
A successful day, with the car being well appreciated by the crowds.
Sunday started out sunny and dry with a brisk wind, to say the least. This did not seem to put off the spectators with a larger than expected crowd. With a packed out site, this made FireForce’s journey to the startline a bit more difficult.
With two scheduled runs due to the amount of people, our first run was at 1pm. The car ran 5.84 @ 279.94mph to an enthusiastic and appreciative full grandstand!!
After getting back to the pits and checking over the timing figures, the decision was made to try up the performance for the second run, providing the weather conditions didn’t change.
The second run was at 4.20pm and as we hoped, the car ran quicker at 5.7@ 283mph, much to the delight of the crew and the crowds!
Next event, Central Ford RS Owners Day on Sun 18th April.
Hopefully over the next few months, we have plans to improve the car’s already outstanding and consistent performance. Keep checking back for regular event reports and updates.
The first main race event of 2010 got off to a damp start with Friday being a total washout with only a handful of cars making it down the track and no demonstration vehicles making an appearance.
Saturday, although overcast and chilly, was a relatively dry day with racing from 9am – 6.30pm. Our first run was scheduled for 2.30pm and eventually hit the track at 3pm. The car ran 5.90 @ 269mph, which wasn’t bad for the first run considering the track and weather conditions weren’t ideal. Our second run scheduled for 6.15pm was cancelled due to the onset of rain. Roll on Sunday!!
Sunday, started late due to the overnight rain with racing starting at 11.30am. With only one run scheduled for the day, we ran at 6pm with an impressive 5.85 @ 274mph. Crew and driver happy!!
The last day, again, was only scheduled for one run at 3.30pm but was delayed until 4.45pm due to various incidents on the track. However, was very pleased to run 5.93 @ 269mph with a strong headwind.
All in all, a successful weekend for the FireForce crew with the car maintaining it’s record of 5sec runs all year so far.
Sales of the NEW FireForce 3 poster went extremely well with many new young fans going away with a signed momento of
the weekend.
Looking forward to the Gti Spring Festival on Sunday 11th April and to another 5sec run…hopefully!
The season started off well with the first run on the Saturday Nite Special, 20th Feb. The weather conditions and the track were not ideal for our first pass but with the light fading and the temperature dropping just as quick we got the car fired up and concentrated on a big show on the start line then straight into stage, we ran a good strong 5.9 with an early shut off at 240mph.
Our next event, the Fast Show Sunday 21st, was very well attended with record amount of car clubs and spectators all at the racetrack. We had two runs and both were well received by the appreciative crowds, first pass 266mph @ 5.9 and our second we stepped up the car to 273mph @ 5.8. The car is back running consistantly and we are looking forward to future events and building on the cars performance.
We will be posting a full report after each event and also running another competition for a family ticket to the Main Event, 28th – 31st May 2010.