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FireForce 4
The first thing to notice about Number 4 is the vibrant paintwork. Martin wanted something totally different from the much photographed Number 3 and the idea of clowns was something he had in mind. With some discussions and ideas exchanged between Martin and Custom Painthouse (of Sheffield) the vision of seeing the FireForce crew become the ‘clown’ characters seemed an ever popular idea. (Not that they are clowns of course!!) With Martin’s exasperated expression on the back of the car, Rich and his dreads and chunky rings, and Horace, well, just being Horace, the graphics have depicted the team all too well! Our thanks to everyone at Custom Painthouse for their patience, understanding and incredible work.
After many years of seeing Number 3 and very traditional paintwork, Number 4 will no doubt get people talking and more than likely have a marmite effect. People will either love it or hate it!!
Number 4 has a few innovative design features, most noticeably the absence of a rear wing on the Camaro style body. Also a new style intake and redesigned chassis incorporating all the latest chassis safety features. The engine is another J60 which has been used in FireForce 2 & 3 to make these the fastest Jet Funny Cars in the world!
FireForce 4 suffered damage on it’s first run down the track after having some steering issues. The car bounced off the track wall but thankfully the driver was unhurt, albeit very annoyed!
Testing recommenced in 2017 and early signs are good for a comeback for Number 4!